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Astronomen bestätigen langsames Sterben des Universums. Eine Galaxie in verschiedenen Wellenlängenbereichen. Dass das Universum langsam stirbt, wissen Forscher seit Jahren. Mit einer bislang einmalig ausführlichen Vermessung von 200. Fly through of the GAMA Galaxy Survey. Animierter Flug durch Galaxien, die vermessen wurden.
In Gedenken an meinen Vater. Ein Buch, wie man es nur alle paar Jahre in die Hände bekommt. Johannes Luther, Zuercher Studierendenzeitung. Mit einfachen Worten, zahlreichen Verg.
Has opened again after several months of restoration. Within the next 300 days the festival.
Messengers from the early Universe. Messengers from the violent Universe. Messengers from the invisible Universe. Live from the Big Bang. At the heart of stars. The story of the Universe. Tuesday, 02 September 2008. What is the origin of cosmic rays? What is the nature of gravity? Messenger from the early Universe. Messenger from the violent Universe.
Department of Theoretical Physics of the University of Torino. Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare, Sezione di Torino. Particles in Cosmology and Astrophysics, Dark Matter and Dark Energy, Early Universe.
The High Energy and Particle Astrophysics Lab. Welcome to the homepage of the High Energy and Particle Astrophysics Lab located at Rice University. We are involved in the development of novel detectors for Gamma-Ray Astronomy and are a member of the XENON Dark Matter Experiment searching for cold dark matter. On these pages you can find information about our research activities.
Fisica de Particulas, Astrofisica y Fisica Nuclear. La Física de Astropartículas o Astrofísica de Partículas es un campo relativamente reciente de investigación que se dedica al estudio de las partículas elementales de origen astrofísico. La física de partículas es la rama de la física que estudia los componentes elementales de la materia y las interacciones entre ellos. Noticias sobre Fisica de Particulas, Astrofisica y Fisica Nuclear. Videos sobre Fisica de Particulas, Astrofisica y Fisica Nuclear.